The new cross-cutting theme, Observation & Modeling, is necessary to provide input on climate-related information for the three main themes of MAIRS-FE, i.e. Water-Energy-Food nexus, Human Health, and Natural Disasters. Hence, the need for research on this cross-cutting theme is defined by the requirement of these three main themes.
The needs for climate information for three main themes can be well served by the existing products of Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) Asia, which comprises of three domains i.e. CORDEX South Asia, CORDEX East Asia and CORDEX Southeast Asia. Detailed information the domain and resolution can be obtained from CORDEX website (www.cordex.org). CORDEX is a programme under the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Currently, all three CORDEX domains have carried out regional climate downscaling multi-model simulations (CORDEX Southeast Asia – 50 km x 50 km; CORDEX East Asia and Southeast Asia – 25 km x 25 km), which the downscaled data can be used to serve the requirement of the three main themes of MAIRS-FE. Most of this data are archived in the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF). Information regarding the available data can be obtained from CORDEX website or dedicated website of each domain. For CORDEX Southeast Asia, its downscaled data is disseminated through the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Change Information System (SARCCIS) and can be accessed at http://www.rucore.ru.ac.th/SARCCIS.
There are a number of further activities that can be considered that will add values to the existing products. The products of CORDEX Asia are mostly based on CMIP5 where the GCMs were considered as climate system modeling. However, with the rapid advancement of the Earth System Modeling (ESM), it would be an opportunity to consider this for MAIRS-FE as well. The Chinese Academy of Science Earth System Modeling (CAS-ESM) can also be used as a modeling tool for MAIRS-FE, given its ability to incorporate earth system processes and to provide high-resolution products at regional and local scales.
The group aims to :
Provide input on climate-related information for the three main themes of MAIRS-FE.
Promote application of modeling and research outputs.
Address gaps in observations and data exchanges.